Join Us in PORTUGAL 2025!

World travelers are given much advice about navigating an unfamiliar area by bus, train or metro; because for many people, traveling by foot is not an option when there are many sights to see, often within a limited time span. 

However, as runners and walkers, we already know one of the best ways to discover an area’s unique offerings is by foot. When we travel, we often find amazing hidden secrets on our morning runs, noting the area or crossroads to return later that day for further exploration. The only thing that might make it better would be running with a local guide each morning. 

At RunQuest Travel, we harness that adventurous desire to explore a new region with a coordinated group excursion hosted by world-class athletes. While the travel is organized, the running routes, times and distances are tailored not only to our guests but also the unique offerings of the locale. Each daily run will be led by an experienced runner and running coach with firsthand knowledge of the area. Runs will highlight either a specific venue or attraction, or provide you with a general overview of what might interest you later that day during your free time. We offer non-running related group excursions as well. 

To learn more about the upcoming trip, click here.